



This is the official website of Troop 1001 of Richardson, Texas. 
We hope you'll take a minute to learn about our troop, activities and programs, and see where we've been and where we're headed.



Learn more about Troop 1001 and our traditions. 

About Us page 

Calendar, announcements, forms, all that good stuff. 

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Troop 1001 members: you must log in to see most of the information here.  A message with your user ID and password was sent to your email address when your account was created.  When you receive it, please log in right away and change your password to one you will remember by clicking on the My Profile link at top left.  Still having trouble?  Read Can't log in? for next steps.

URGENT! Many more Scouts and Adults are needed for Trail-To-Troop campout. Deadline to register is THIS MONDAY 10/21.

Posted on Oct 17 2024 - 9:22pm
URGENT! Many more Scouts and Adults are needed for Trail-To-Troop campout!!!  Please register ASAP because we have a hard deadline of Monday OCT 21st to register all participants with district.
We only have a few people signed up for the Trail-To-Troop campout NOVEMBER 1 -3 at TRJ.   We currently ONLY have 2 Adults driving and NOBODY TO TOW THE TRAILERS.  This has the potential to be one of the biggest recruiting events of the year - we hope you and your Scout will support this signature event for the District.


Posted on Oct 17 2024 - 9:22pm

October 18-20 * Friday-Sunday: Bee Mountain Campout.  Details and sign up HERE

October 21 * Monday:

--Reminder: DEADLINE to register for the November Campout is today (Oct 21)! No extensions are possible since it's a district event.

--No Normal Troop meeting or Trail to First Class

--PLC (only) meeting 7PM at TBC 

October 28 * Monday:

--6 PM Philmont 2025 Prep meeting at TBC

--6:30 PM Trail to First Class - This session is for BRYANT and JEANS patrols only

--7 PM Troop Meeting at TBC - Money Monday for Trail to Troop campout (formerly Webelo Wood) Bring permission slips and $15 cash

--7 PM Adult meeting at TBC

November 1-3 * Friday-Sunday: Trail to Troop Campout.  Details and sign up HERE

November 4 * Monday:

--6 PM at TBC Okpik 2025 Meeting (for those who are registered)

--No Normal Troop meeting & No Trail to First Class

--PLC (only) meeting 7PM at TBC

November 9 * Saturday:  Flags OUT 8:30AM at Go Industries

ASK Your SCOUT about everything going on in the troop

Posted on Oct 16 2024 - 9:44pm

Did you know it's POPCORN season?

  • Not going camping this weekend? SELL POPCORN! It's not too late.
  • We have about $6,000 left in inventory and are selling for a few more weeks. You must register in the Trails End app to sell with the troop. 
    • All store front times are available NOW. 
    • For door to door wagon sales or any popcorn questions, reach out to our KERNAL Elise Wincorn (917-328-5716) 
  • This is a GREAT way for your scout to help pay their way to any troop campout including high adventures.  

Is their uniform properly patched?

  • Is their patrol patch on their uniform? Everyone should have a patrol patch by now. If not, have your scout ASK THEIR PATROL LEADER
  • If they hold a leadership position, is their current position patch on their uniform?
    • If they are interested in leadership and at least 13, they can take Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) on 11/9/24. (More info below)
  • Is their rank patch up to date?

Are they interested in going on a high adventure?

  • We have 5 open spots for Scuba in 2025 - Must be 13 and medical restrictions do apply so read up before saying YES
  • Be on the look out for a survey for the 2026 opportunities

Bee Mountain Campout - October 18-20

Posted on Oct 15 2024 - 5:26pm

We’re going back to the Brazos River - only WAY down river – to Bee Mountain Resort.

Bee Mountain Resort is a remote Texas ranch that sits on 350 acres on the Brazos River with 1.5 miles of clean sandy beaches. This section of the Brazos River is known for having some of the best water in Texas for fishing, kayaking, canoeing, boating, water sports and just about anything else that involves nature and wildlife.  Their campsites are all located directly on the Brazos River. Great tasting water from a deep well, clean restrooms located on premises and two port-a-potties will also be brought into our reserved area. The Scouts can go hiking, fishing and have some good old-fashioned Scouting fun!

To help cover the cost of campsites, the charge will be $10 per Scout (no charge for Adults).  All the details, signup and permission slip can be found HERE.

Trail to Troop Campout (formerly Webelos Woods)! Nov 1-3 (Signup deadline October 21st...no exceptions)

Posted on Oct 15 2024 - 5:26pm
2024 TRJ Fall Trail to Troop #1 - Hosted by Northern Trail District

Trail to Troop is an awesome opportunity for Arrow of Light (and their parents) to experience some of the fun that they can look forward to once they cross over into a troop. Troops will host Arrow of Light Scouts from various packs and will form patrols which will include those Arrow of Light Scouts for the weekend. AOL Dens will be assigned to camp with a host Troop by the event staff. 

On Saturday, the patrols will rotate in a round-robin style of activities where they can visit with different Troops. Each patrol will learn a variety of different outdoor and Scout skills and put them to use in live demonstrations. On Saturday night, both districts will come together to enjoy a rousing campfire program with yells and skits! There will also be a OA Brotherhood ceremony on Saturday evening.

This has the potential to be one of the biggest recruiting events of the year - we hope you and your Scout will support this signature event for the District.

All the details, registration and permission slips can be found HERE

Note: Please sign up by OCTOBER 21st so we can meet the Council-imposed deadline for registration There will be no extensions/exceptions since this is a district event.

Hudson Strub Eagle Project Fundraising

Posted on Oct 15 2024 - 5:26pm
My name is Hudson Strub, and I am starting to fundraise for my Eagle Project! We will be building benches for the Nexus Women's Recovery Center, a rehab center for women struggling with substance abuse, where they can live with their children.

I am planning to build four benches, two for the onsite daycare's playground, and two for the grass area between the dorms where children play when the daycare is closed. The goal is to make them sturdy, but lightweight so they can be moved and serve multiple needs. I would greatly appreciate any financial support to help bring the project to life. You can see details and donate at this link: GoFundMe link

Thank you!

Hudson Strub