![]() Stephanie Molina
Committee Chairman |
![]() Randy Lawson Charter Organization Representative |
Adult Leaders
Troop 1001 meets Monday nights from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Trinity Bible Church. There is no troop meeting on the Monday following a campout, which is reserved for parent / committee and patrol leaders' meetings, and during the summer months. Visits are always encouraged, but please contact our Scoutmaster to make arrangements.
The average troop size for the past six years has been 85 Scouts assisted by 30 to 35 adults. Currently, there are 88 active Scouts. The troop has produced over 200 Eagle Scouts over the last 50+ years since chartering as an organization in 1966. Our goal is to have every Scout attain Boy Scout’s highest rank.
All parents have the opportunity to be members of the troop committee and have an equal voice in committee decisions. All adult positions in the troop except Scoutmaster are two-deep to ensure coverage and distribution of responsibilities.
We enjoy excellent rapport and support from our sponsoring organization. Troop dues for Scouts payable on September 1. Dues are pro-rated for Scouts who join later in the scouting year. New Scouts are asked to purchase a Field Uniform, a Troop 1001 neckerchief and a Troop 1001 field t-shirt. The troop dues are applied to the direct expenses related to BSA membership, camping permits and fees, and to the maintenance and replacement of troop equipment.
We emphasize the “boy-led” concept by calling on the older Scouts, in June of each year, to discuss the troop goals and objectives, and produce an action plan for the year. The result of this exercise is a detailed outline of our troop’s month-by-month activities, patrol and theme assignments by month, and plans for Monday night Troop meetings.
Leadership skills development involves four levels of training at the troop, district, council and national level. All Scout leadership positions in Troop 1001 require the completion of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), a six-day leadership course covering the aims and methods of Scouting. A weekend district course, ILST, or a troop training leadership seminar is a prerequisite to attend NYLT at 13 years old and having attained First Class Scout. The Scoutmaster approves and recommends each Scout for training.
All problem solving goes through the chain of responsibility, using all boy resources before calling on an adult for resolution. This encourages development of leadership skills in the older Scouts and establishes their credibility with the younger Scouts. This policy is in effect unless an issue of safety is involved.
Monthly themes include Scout craft skills, rifle and shotgun safety, rappelling, wilderness survival, hiking, rocketry, winter camping skills, Camporee preparation, water sports, aviation, backpacking, horseback riding, rafting, canoeing, and visiting military bases. Our summer camp is in mid June to allow ample time for scheduling of family vacations and other activities during the summer.
Our troop has finished strong in competitions at the District Camporee every March: first place in 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2015, and we administered it in 1999 and 2001. At Summer Camp we have won the Water Carnival and Sailing Regatta in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1998 and 1999.
The Scout leadership core has administered, led and staffed all events at the district, council and national level. The troop consistently keeps 75% of its Scouts as ILST graduates, 50% NYLT trained, and 25% National Junior Leadership Instructor qualified.
The troop usually sends crews to the BSA High Adventure Bases every summer including Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, Sea Base in the Florida Keys, and Northern Tier Canoe Base in the northern boundary waters of Minnesota and Canada.
We are deeply involved in a variety of service projects for our community. We participate in Scouting for Food, clothing drives, blood drives, and various other projects that will benefit our community.
To become a Scout, your son must have completed fifth grade, or be 10 years old, or have earned the Arrow of Light award, and be younger than 18 years old. Your son and you, if possible, should visit one of the regular troop meetings. If he is interested in joining the troop, you and he should make an appointment with the Scoutmaster or the Committee Chairman for them to explain scouting and the operation of our troop. We invite you and your prospective Scout to hang out with us and join in the Monday night fun.
Every Scout needs his personal copy of the Scouts BSA Handbook For Boys. It contains everything he needs to know about the advancement program, information on the uniform, camping know-how, and many other skills of value and variety. Scouting equipment, uniforms, and other Scout items can be purchased at: Circle 10 Scout Shop, 8605 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, 75235, the Lyle-Gamble Scout Shop, 5600 Us Hwy 75 South, Fairview, TX 75069, or online at the Scout Shop. The Scouts BSA Handbook will be his permanent record of his achievement and advancement throughout his Scouting years, so it should be cared for at all times.
The activities of Scouting are vigorous. It is required that each boy will have a recent physical exam to be sure he is fit for the program. A physical exam with the proper completed form is required for attendance at the weeklong summer camp. You should inform us of any mental or physical limitation, allergies, etc., for your son, at the time he joins Troop 1001. The parents or guardians are responsible for updating the Troop of any changes.
Visiting troops can be an overwhelming task, but you can benefit from our experience. Our adult leaders are happy to visit your next Webelos Den Meeting to talk with your parents about what things to look for in a troop. How many should you visit? How do you keep track of the ones you have seen? All troops claim to be "boy led," but how can you tell which really are? See below some helpful tips while looking:
The following are taken from BSA Publication No. 18-251, 1995 Printing, entitled Are You Delivering The Promise.
- Troop has earned Quality Unit Award
- Scoutmaster has completed basic training
- Troop follows traditional troop-meeting pattern, standard troop-meeting plan with two or more skills training groups
- Troop has a high ratio of active adults to youth
- Leaders regularly attend roundtable
- Troop meetings are planned at Patrol Leaders' Council meetings
- Woods Wisdom is used in planning Troop program
- A patrol for new Scouts exists, with a Troop Guide and Assistant Scoutmaster
- Troop adds at least ten new Scouts each year
- Troop has an annual minimum of twenty-five days and nights of camping
- Troop attends a council long-term camp
- Leaders are proficient in outdoor skills
- Troop has at least twenty-one Scouts
- Troop has a program for older Scouts
Other volunteers based on experience have suggested that the above not be applied rigidly as a test for a good Troop, noting that it is possible to find a Troop that meets all of the above criteria, but still fails to use the patrol method. Others have noted that in rural and some urban settings adding 10 new Scouts in a year may not be realistic for a particular unit and not valid criteria.
Arrow of Light Ceremony
Give your Webelos a ceremony to remember. Truly honor their Arrow of Light accomplishment, the greatest honor in Cub Scouting, by letting our Order of the Arrow team perform their ceremony in full American Indian regalia. Order of the Arrow is the honor society of scouting and Troop 1001 is happy to share our team to celebrate your accomplishments.
Even if Troop 1001 does not perform your crossover ceremony, please let us know in advance if your Scout will be joining Troop 1001. We want to have our troop leader representatives at the presentation of the Arrow of Light to welcome your Scout to our scouting family with a Troop 1001 neckerchief and troop patch.
Ready to Join?
If you are ready to join Troop 1001, you will need to register with Scouts BSA. Once complete, we will be notified and our Membership Chair will contact you to discuss next steps.
Click Here to complete an Online Application
Note: You will need to use (or create) an account on my.Scouting.org.